Satori Movement: Your Local Place for Dance and Yoga Wear

Kayla Smothers
3 min readFeb 18, 2021

By Kayla Smothers

(image taken by Satori Movement)

Satori Movment, previously known as Hello Yoga, is a local business in Midtown, Reno, Nevada. Satori Movement sells a wide variety of essentials for dance, yoga, and even self-care items like essential oils and jewelry. A lot of their inventory is either locally owned, and they even have a few brands that are exclusive to them in the Nevada area.

The switch to Satori Movement from Hello Yoga happened so the owners, locals Jen and Dennelle, could appeal to their ideal customer base: people who dance, do yoga, are active, and more. They want people to pass by their store and say, “Oh okay, I have a spot there where I can go”.

“We invested thousands of dollars into dance clothes because we saw the need for Reno to have them” said Dennelle. Jen and Dennelle have learned that, “With business it’s sink or swim, you have to decide what you’re going to do now and ask for forgiveness later”.

Since the only other dance store, Judy’s, closed down in January of 2020, Satori Movement is the only place in rural Nevada that has the option for dance clothing locally, though Jen and Dennelle don’t’ want to just be the only option, if any new competition arises, they want to be the store that people choose. They really care about their customer base and make a huge effort to get to know every person that walks in the door.

Satori Movement feels lucky because during these times of COVID they were and are still able to collaborate with many local dance studios in an effort to help their cliental find exactly what they need for each dance studio. This even includes having catalogs for each dance studio’s needs of dance attire.

“The hope is that people choose to invest in small businesses, because all the big businesses are huge competition, because of factors like they are able to offer free shipping [etc],” said Jen.

The local businesses of Reno always try to help each other out.

For Satori Movement, the local Reno community of customers, and especially other small businesses make a huge difference. Satori Movement always makes an effort to help out any other local small business, and even collaborate with other local businesses. “The community makes a huge difference” said Jen.

“It’s good karma, what you put out into the world and what you manifest will always come back to you tenfold”, said Jen.

Because of COVID, holding yoga and dance classes has been impossible for Satori Movement. At one time, the studio was packed for classes every day, but now classes cannot even be held. But, Satori Movement really wants their customers to feel comfortable, so they created an option to be able to reserve an hour to shop COVID safe with just yourself and some people close to you, in the shop, all wearing masks still of course. There is also an option to shop online or pick-up orders in person!

As for holding in person classes, it is a waiting game on when they will be held again, as is many things with COVID precautions at the moment. But when there is classes to be taught from again, I would definitely suggest this wholesome and locally owned business to get your yoga and dance needs.

